The mullahs’ regime and terrorist Quds Force conspiracy to create crisis
in Turkey and Jordan
in Turkey and Jordan
According to received reports from within the mullahs’ regime, the religious fascism ruling Iran, in order to save Bashar Assad from doomed overthrow and preventing the breakup of its regional front, has resorted to a series of regional warmongering and political maneuverings. Acts that have generally failed and added Arab and Muslim public outrage against the regime:
1 - After the U.S. elections and the formation of the Syrian National Coalition, and the Free Syrian Army advances, the inner circles of the regime are very concerned about the situation of Bashar al-Assad and find it difficult and frustrating.
2 - The conference held on November 18 in Tehran to get Bashar Assad out of internal and international isolation, became a new scandal for the regime that even failed to attract internal opposition of Assad, who formally are not demanding his overthrow. In an internal report of one the regime’s organs to the Supreme National Security Council and Khamenei, about this conference, it is said: “Representatives of the parties who had come from Damascus to Tehran, while not demanding Bashar Assad removal from power, were hopeless about his future. Some of the parties inside Syria also did not participate in the conference. Asked why he has not come to Tehran, one of the Tansiq leaders, who is in active relationship with the Islamic Republic, said we do not agree to sit down with the representatives of the government (Bashar Assad) in Tehran meeting!”
3 - It is said in this report: “The Tehran conference was not a success and has weakened even internal opposition to Assad. They say after their return to Damascus that Iran played with us, imposed Assad on us and left no credit for us. '
4 – Following the European Union and the US sanctions on Syrian television, the regime signed an agreement with representatives of the Syrian government to broadcast Syrian TV programs from the regime’s Kosar network in Tehran for the region.
5- The terrorist Quds Force tries to deflect the attention of the countries of the region from Syria by resorting to creating crisis in other countries of the region, thus making the situation harder for the Syrian opponents. Syria’s neighbours Turkey and Jordan are two of the targets of the regime. According to an internal report to the regime’s Supreme National Security Council, “We (the regime) are trying to destabilize Turkey, particularly in Kurdish areas and will not let the Turks to have ambitions in the Middle East and occupy a special place. We will make the Turkish government be busy with internal problems.' One of the regime’s plans is to 'create discord and conflict between Syrian and Turkish Kurds with Free Syrian Army, and the Syrian opposition' in favour of Bashar al-Assad.
6 – The Quds Force is also planning to create crisis in Jordan, providing a breathing space for the regime of Bashar al-Assad. According to a confidential report to the Supreme Security Council, 'Opposition groups are organizing and expanding against the king of Jordan. The Islamic Republic of Iran has begun activities against the government of Jordan. These activities are both political and for activating opposition groups to Jordanian government. Further turbulences may be the next in Jordan. '
However, these attempts failed to stop Free Syrian Army to liberate all of Syria-Turkey border and a large portion of Syrian border with Jordan, from military and security forces of the Assad regime.
7- The clerical regime also tries to deflect the attention of the international community and countries in the region from the massacre of the Syrian people with the war in Gaza, and on the other hand portray itself as a defender of the Palestinian people’s rights, reducing the outrage that has been brought upon it due to its support for Bashar Assad.
8 – Based on a series of guidelines that the Quds Force has given to its affiliated entities and people:
- 'Before the war in Gaza, Iran and its supporters in the region were isolated. The regime’s figure had been tarnished due to Syria. Israel’s war in Gaza will change the situation. IRI and its supporters in the war and were brought forward and somewhat out of isolation. It’s become clear that not only Iran speaks up, but it is present in the battlefields, and today Gaza and Hezbollah are protected by Iranian missiles. The Islamic Republic of Iran must use as much propaganda as possible that Gaza is protected by Iranian missiles and Israel is destabilized by Iranian missiles.
- The war in Gaza makes the US and the West, in possible future negotiations with Iran, to come to the negotiating table in a different balance. The war of Gaza and Israel is a military victory for Hamas and a political victory for Iran.
- The war in Gaza benefited Syria (Bashar Assad) from another point of view. Because it became evident that Iran has given missiles to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but Arab countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, who want to topple Bashar al-Assad did nothing and betrayed Gaza... The IRI propaganda in this regard on al-Jazeera and other media was very important and had a lot of coverage in the international community. '
9 – The clerical regime officials admitted for the first time in an unprecedented manner formally and openly to sending missiles and weapons into Gaza. The Quds Force has asked Hassan Nasrallah and other affiliated agents in Arab countries specially Egypt and Lebanon to declare in their speeches that Iranian missiles changed the war scene and Iran won this war.
10 - According to these reports, the missile were shipped to Gaza in separated parts and embedded, and were assembled there. The Quds Force had taken some of its agents to Iran to train them how to use the missiles and has provided six months of military training up to the commanding level. In addition, it had sent a number of Hezbollah’s missile commanders to Gaza to train the how to assemble and operate the missiles.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 28, 2012
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